4 Quotes & Sayings By Panayiotis Zavos

Panayiotis Zavos is a graduate of the University of Athens and holds a master's degree from the Hellenic American University, both in Greece. He is a member of the International Hellenic American Union. Zavos participates in film, television, and writing projects on a regular basis. He has been a speaker at various international events and has presented his works to various organizations and institutions.

We are not interested in cloning the Michael Jordans and the Michael Jacksons of this world. The rich and the famous don't participate in this. Panayiotis Zavos
We managed to write chapter one. Chapter two, we will have a child a parent can take home and raise as a cloned child. Panayiotis Zavos
In the future, when we get serious about executing things correctly, this thing will be very easy to do. If we find out that this technique does not work, I don't intend to step on dead bodies to achieve something because I don't have that kind of ambition. My ambition is to help people. Panayiotis Zavos